Keynote Speakers Co-Presenting

Experience unique perspectives. Keynote speakers.

Andrew Grant and Gaia Grant are also available to co-present as personal & professional partners to provide unique male and female, business and academic perspectives.

Andrew Grant – lively, dynamic, passionate & engaging

Gaia Grant – perceptive, grounded, researched & knowledgeable

Andrew and Gaia have been engaged by multiple market innovation leaders to help create a culture of innovation. The Grants have authored over 30 corporate educational resources, simulations and programs that are used by Fortune 500 companies and are sold under license worldwide. Andrew is a globally sought after professional facilitator & keynote speaker (including TEDx).

Gaia is a PhD researcher & lecturer at Sydney University Business School on innovation, (MSc-in Creative Leadership, Grad Dip in change leadership, BA Dip Ed, BD (hons) / BEd, Dip Tch). Andrew & Gaia contribute to and have been featured in international media including: Harvard Business Review, BBC, ABC, CCTV TV, Reuters, Huffington Post, Fast Company and the Wall St Journal.